⚔️ Rebuttal

Rebuttal is what separates debate from public speaking. It is when you directly argue against an idea raised by the other team. If you don’t rebut your opponent’s ideas, you’re leaving the audience with no reason to doubt your opponents.

To successfully conclude a piece of rebuttal, follow these steps:

  • Identify the point you are attacking. It’s good to name it, preferably with the name the original speaker used.
  • Briefly describe the point. It’s possible the audience doesn’t remember the idea anymore.
  • Describe your disagreement with that point.
  • Conclude
  • Signpost - tell us you are done rebutting that point.

Here is an example. Imagine we are in debate about paying dictators to step down from power:

Example 1:

Task Example
Identify the point I would like to rebut the first point raised by the proposition – creating an exit plan for dictators.
Describe the point In this point, they argued that dictators primarily hold onto power to maintain their lavish lifestyles. We were told that paying those dictators will allow them to maintain their lifestyles without holding onto their positions, and that this would make a peaceful transfer of power possible.
Describe the disagreement We don’t believe it will play out in this way. Dictators aren’t normally honest people. There’s a high chance that they’ll take the money without stepping down from power. Those who do step down from power will probably install puppet governments before leaving.
Condlude Therefore, we believe this point falls. This policy will not cause peaceful and meaningful transfers of power.
Signpost I will now move onto my first point in today’s debate, which is…

Example 2: (Same point, different attack)

Task Example
Identify the point I would like to rebut the first point raised by the proposition – creating an exit plan for dictators.
Describe the point In this point, they argued that dictators primarily hold onto power to maintain their lavish lifestyles. We were told that paying those dictators will allow them to maintain their lifestyles without holding onto their positions, and that this would make a peaceful transfer of power possible.
Describe the disagreement We disagree with the proposition team. Dictators already have access to immense amounts of wealth. Muammar Gaddafi had more than $200 billion in bank accounts, real estate, and corporate investments around the world before he was killed. It isn’t possible for a government anywhere in the world to offer enough money to tempt the average dictator.
Condlude Therefore, we believe this point falls. This policy will not cause peaceful and meaningful transfers of power.
Signpost I will now move onto my first point in today’s debate, which is…